Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September 26th, 2017



Colonade (x) -> Colonnade (v)
Oxford Dictionary:
col·on·nade /ˌkäləˈnād/
a row of columns supporting a roof, an entablature, or arcade.

• a row of trees or other tall objects.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4918094/Trump-declared-war-North-Korea-says-Foreign-Minister.html

Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25th, 2017

Jakarta Post





1.Regents/ mayors? to avoid confusion it should be either regents or mayors.

2.'reformasi' here should be italicized since it's in 'Bahasa Indonesia'

or we can also say 'Reform Era' just in the following (below) news:

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Rapporteur = pelapor, penyusun laporan, penyusun MoU untuk rapat dalam perusahaan.
seorang pencatat data atau perekam yang ditunjuk oleh sebuah komite atau badan organisasi tertentu untuk menyiapkan laporan hasil meeting/rapat atau untuk melakukan investigasi/penyelidikan terhadap peristiwa tertentu.
(langka) seorang reporter (wartawan).
Saran: kata baru dalam bahasa Indonesia = raporter.

Pelopor = pioneer; initiator; forerunner

I found other mistakes as well:
pioner (x) - wrong
pioneer (v) - correct
pelopor (x) - wrong
pelapor (v) - correct

Communicant -> should add [Archaic/Kuno-tidak dipakai lagi] untuk arti komunikan/pelapor.
The more common meaning would be:
A person who receives Holy Communion regularly. (Orang yang menerima Perjamuan Kudus/Komuni secara reguler.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017



Confidence should be confident. (and because it's in English, you should be italicizing it).
Why use English when you have percaya/yakin to convey your meaning?
This confidence  misuse shall be addressed since it's quite prevalent in Indonesia.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Misleading Dictionary Entry of the Day

September 6th, 2017

#1.Entry: christiandom (x) - kekristenan (x)

This is not a valid English word. It just doesn't exist.
Most probably the lexicographer didn't re-check and just concluded from similar words such as (free - freedom), (martyr - martyrdom), etc.
The valid one is:
Christendom (noun) - Kekristenan dalam arti kolektif dilihat dari segi Sejarah Dunia (termasuk perkembangan dan lembaga-lembaganya).
Christianity (noun) - Sistem Kepercayaan Kristen dan arti keduanya sama dengan atas (Christendom).

Tips: always check, re-check, and investigate. In rare cases, even dictionaries make mistake. 
Program Kamus versi 2.04
Oxford Dictionary Online (update September 2017)
Webster Online Dictionary (update September 2017)
Wordweb Pro (Base WordWeb) which includes:
Australian Oxford Dictionary
Canadian Oxford Dictionary
Chambers Dictionary
Chambers Thesaurus
New Oxford American Dictionary (NOAD)
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (SOED)
Google.com (en.version, jp version).

Monday, September 4, 2017

Friday, September 1, 2017



Operasi perkalian


Sama halnya dengan contoh sebelumnya, jika pengoperasian bilangan matematika bisa diucapkan dalam berbagai cara. Operasi perkalian pun memiliki cara yang bermacam-macam yaitu three times three is nine, three times three equals to nine, dan three multipled by three is nine.

The correct one is multiplied.(from the word multiply -> Verb)
Multipled is incorrect because it functions only as Adjective and Noun.

This is a fatal mistake due to "you are teaching English to Indonesian how to say about "perkalian" or multiplication".