Misleading Dictionary Entry of the Day
September 6th, 2017
#1.Entry: christiandom (x) - kekristenan (x)
Most probably the lexicographer didn't re-check and just concluded from similar words such as (free - freedom), (martyr - martyrdom), etc.
The valid one is:
Christendom (noun) - Kekristenan dalam arti kolektif dilihat dari segi Sejarah Dunia (termasuk perkembangan dan lembaga-lembaganya).
Christianity (noun) - Sistem Kepercayaan Kristen dan arti keduanya sama dengan atas (Christendom).
Tips: always check, re-check, and investigate. In rare cases, even dictionaries make mistake.
Program Kamus versi 2.04
Oxford Dictionary Online (update September 2017)
Webster Online Dictionary (update September 2017)
Wordweb Pro (Base WordWeb) which includes:
Australian Oxford Dictionary
Canadian Oxford Dictionary
Chambers Dictionary
Chambers Thesaurus
New Oxford American Dictionary (NOAD)
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (SOED)
Google.com (en.version, jp version).
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