Saturday, October 29, 2016

October 29th, 2016

Proofreading #4

Tuntunan = tuntutan
Berkait = terkait

Kompas Source

tuntunan/tun·tun·an/ n 1 bimbingan; 2 petunjuk; pedoman
tuntutan/tun·tut·an/ n 1 hasil menuntut; 2 sesuatu yang dituntut (seperti permintaan keras); gugatan; dakwaan
berkait = yang mengandung kait (contains a hook; barb; catch)
terkait = yang berhubungan dengan (hal tertentu), related to (something)

Proofreading #5

Kompas Source

mengungkapkan = mengemukakan; menyatakan; memaparkan
menggungkapkan  = mengungkapkan
kata dasar: ungkap
Imbuhan: "meng + kan"
Menjadi "meng+ ungkap + kan" = mengungkapkan.

mata pencarian = mata pencaharian

pencaharian/pen·ca·ha·ri·an/ n pekerjaan dan sebagainya yang menjadi pokok penghidupan: mata ~

Thursday, October 27, 2016

October 28th, 2016

Proofreading #3

Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia Website

[Indonesian Translator Association]

This shouldn't happen in an Official Indonesian Translator Association website (which also includes interpreter). 



Oops! The error page should state "The page is not found" rather than "This page is was not found".

"Is" and "Was"shouldn't be placed together in a clause. Instead, please choose only one!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

#Proofreading 2
-Bahasa Indonesia-

Ada beberapa kesalahan kata yang perlu diperbaiki dalam artikel ini antara lain:

1.indetitas = identitas

2.Memilik = memiliki

3.Mencocokan = mencocokkan

Sumber Artikel (Kompas)
-identitas/iden·ti·tas/ /idéntitas/ n ciri-ciri atau keadaan khusus seseorang; jati diri
-memiliki/me·mi·liki/ v 1 mempunyai: ia sudah tidak - orang tua lagi; 2 mengambil secara tidak sah untuk dijadikan kepunyaan (dari kata dasar milik)
-mencocokkan/men·co·cok·kan/ v menusukkan; menyematkan;

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Washington Post

October 16th, 2016

#Proofreading 1

This is my first post, and would be the start of my journey finding the truth behind a language. It is one of my mission to achieve and spread 'sprachgefuhl' , my favorite word, to the world!

Kith and 'kind' - When I encountered this word reading the Wapro, I scratched my head, since there is probably something incorrect. And when I consulted my dictionary, it was apparently spot on. It is actually kith and kin.

According to

Kith and kin (plural):

Acquaintances and relatives.

Washington Post Source Source

October 16th, 2016

Heya, nice to meet you all. This blog will become my recollection of editing, proofreading, translation, grammar-pondering, vocabularies and anything related to languages (especially English, Japanese, Bahasa Indonesia and Javanese). When I find anything interesting, misleading, misspeling, or just cultural differences, I'll post here.
All my posts are intended for educational purpose, research, or just for fun. I apologize beforehand if any one of you feel offended.
Anyway, my plan is to master Japanese to near-native level similar to my English (English is my 2nd language besides Bahasa Indonesia and Javanese).

Sunday, July 17, 2016

 Welcome to My Humble Abode


Welcome to my humble abode, a blog dedicated to write about English, Japanese, and Bahasa Indonesia. I hope you enjoy reading my rustic English!

First of all, I love English (and Languages in general). Why would it be? Because it's my first love. It bloomed when I didn't even know.... It was a natural process. English was not my mother tounge, and I was hardly an eloquent speaker. None spoke English in my hometown. I was totally a country hick! I moved from a small town  to Jakarta years ago. First time I learned English was from my Junior High School, where I struggled to get even the minimum score of 6/10 (got a score of 5/10 in my report card). I barely understood "Yes", "No", "Good morning", and fundamental words back then xD. I couldn't say anything more. I sincerely thank my private English teacher from the bottom of my heart to Miss ita (if you happen to read this blog, thanks so much!). I built up a solid foundation and confidence in English due to her assistance. Reaching English mastery and usurping it into one of my brain compartment was not an easy road. Eventually, though, English has become my favourite language of choice. My vocabulary in English has grown so much that it even exceeded my native words reservoir.
The journey to language mastery was a mystery yet intriguing and rewarding journey. And now, I'm planning to master Japanese, as my third 'foreign language'.

This blog will story my journey in maintaining almost native English level and sprachgefuhl (actually just decided to create this blog in commemoration of getting my first International TOEFL score). I am going to improve my English even more with daily writing. I want to prove to the world that we, as a human hold limitless potentials. I, as an example, had very limited resources, but able to at least exceed my friends' score with perseverance and grit.

I have never gone abroad except once (to Singapore and only for a few days) .. I hope in the future I can travel around the world to speak to audiences, friends and families. 

Please feel free to chime in your voice!
