Proofreading 20 November 2017
-BPS Publication-
#1.Economics = The branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management.(the knowledge field) - it doesn't fit the context well.
Economy = The system of production and distribution and consumption.(Wordweb)
In this context, which shows overall Indonesia's Economy performance, economy is better suited to the context.
However, in this phrase, people usually prefer use 'economic', the adjective form, as the catchphrase to denote the indicator which shows the economy performance.
~Economic Indicator
#2.Gambar Kulit - Cover Design
Walaupun semua dari kita orang Indonesia akan mengerti maksud dari frase ini, akan lebih afdol jika menggunakan:
Desain Sampul (literal translation) - atau - Gambar Sampul dibandingkan dengan Gambar Kulit''
:gambar yang dimuat pada kulit muka suatu majalah, biasanya gambar mengenai laporan utama atau khusus terbitan itu;
#3.Prohibitted (x)
Should be prohibited. (self-explanatory)
Adj.That has been forbidden; banned.
#4.Indikator -> Indicator(v)
The editor should pay attention to the publication more...(especially not to confuse the part that should be Bahasa or English)